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Impact's editor Dr Goh with TW pastors.

Sponsor a Pastor/Leader in a developing nation today!

​For each sponsorship you give, a pastor who resides in a developing nation would receive six issues of IMPACT magazine over the course of one year. This sponsorship programme helps to resource the pastors with biblical insights and encouragement to carry out their work more effectively.


Our particular niche in this sponsorship programme is not direct financial support but in encouraging these pastors through the magazine. Impact is rather unique in that we provide an Asian perspective on Christian issues; Many developing nation pastors find our materials helpful. We have reports where our articles have been converted to tracts or helped in sermon preparation. Since most of these pastors do not have the resources to subscribe to Impact for themselves, we are asking Singaporean believers to partner with us to make Impact available to these pastors. Currently, the magazine goes out to 38 countries including Nigeria, Ghana, the Philippines and India.


1-Year Subscription is SGD$35.00

(Six issues a year)

IMPACT Magazine
"Christianity in Asia. Our mission is to empower working adults to apply Godly principles to contemporary issues of immediate concern."

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