This Privacy Policy applies to all information collected by Impact Christian Communications Ltd. For the purpose of this Policy, "us" and "our" shall refer to Impact Christian Communications Ltd.
1. When is information collected from you?
1.1 When you sign up a complimentary copy or a subscription of our magazine entitled "Impact", be it a paper copy version or an electronic version of our magazine.
1.2 When you sign up for our "Third-World Sponsorship Programme" for a pastor or leader to receive our magazine.
1.3 When you make a donation to "Impact Christian Communications Ltd".
1.4 When you advertise in our magazine.
1.5 When you contribute an article for our publication or you are interviewed by us (Your photographs and audio/video recordings may be collected for the purpose of the publication).
2. What is the information used for?
2.1 to respond to your requests and queries;
2.2 to mail out magazine to you;
2.3 to verify and process your personal particulars and payments;
2.4 to contact you for renewal of your subscription, sponsorship or donation;
2.5 to contact you for our promotions and launch of courses, seminars, workshops and events from time to time.
2.6 publication of our magazine or updating of contents on our website and social media sites like Facebook (refer to 1.5)
3. Who do we disclose it to?
Only information like name, salutation, mailing address and email address are disclosed to our vendor or mailing house for the purpose of sending the electronic version or paper copy version of our magazine to you;
We do not sell your personal information to any third party. Your personal information provided us are used strictly for the purpose of providing you with our goods or services you have signed up or contact you for our promotions and launch of courses, seminars, workshops and events from time to time.
4. How we store your personal information?
We are committed to secure and protect all your personal information, stored in our database against any unauthorised access. Information stored in our database are password protected.
Impact Christian Communications Ltd reserves the right to amend our Privacy Policy on PDPA in accordance with the prevailing government regulations.
Please email us at or call us at 67481244 if you wish to update your personal information. We thank you for your trust and your continual support..