For some time, God has laid it on the hearts of several pastors that He desires revival for His church in Singapore. COH is hence more than a one-off; it is offered to God as a step of revival.
The need for revival is clear. The growth in the percentage of Christians (Protestants and Catholics) among the resident population in Singapore aged 15 years and above has ‘plateaued’: an increase of just 0.5% from 18.3% in 2010 to 18.8% in 2015 (Census data and mid-Decade Household Survey). We face moral dangers and social patterns that adversely affect our society and the welfare of the city. Hence, the Church in Singapore cannot afford to be complacent. Rather it needs to rise to be a vibrant witness of the Gospel in Singapore and to fulfil its calling to be the ‘Antioch of Asia’.
COH hopes to mobilise Christians in Singapore through local churches, to reach out and share Jesus Christ with friends and family; with support from Christian organisations in the marketplace.
COH calls on all churches, across Singapore, to unite for prayer and the proclamation of the life-transforming name of Jesus. The vision is of personal evangelism en masse, culminating in Gospel rallies at the 50,000-capacity National Stadium over three days, 17-19 May 2019. The rallies will reach across the ethnicities, languages and social strata which make up the multi-cultural landscape of Singapore.
We can all:
PRAY fervently
Only God can awaken and send out a harvest-force eager to share their faith. Only God can bring a person to saving faith in Christ. Only God can bring about a bumper harvest.
There are regional monthly COH Prayer gatherings up to and including May 2019.
ENGAGE meaningfully
o Start connecting with unbelievers in your circle
o Get trained in personal evangelism and follow-up.
o Enthuse other Christians about COH.
o Give towards the budget for COH.
GATHER enthusiastically
As May 2019 nears, gather your friends, family members and more, inviting and accompanying them to the National Stadium!
“May faith arise among God’s people and the fire of God’s love be fanned into flame in every Christian’s heart! May the COH rallies not only see a great homecoming of many lives to God through Jesus Christ, but lead to a new day for God’s people in the land. In God we trust and to God we give all the glory!”
"I feel a holy excitement about the Celebration of Hope (COH). 'Holy' because it is based on God's greatness and God's faithfulness. The desired outcome of COH is a mighty harvest triggering a revival that impacts Church and nation, beyond human capacity ... an outcome only God can achieve."
Rev Bishop Rennis Ponniah, Anglican Bishop of Singapore & Chairman of COH Steering Committee.
Thank God for
Sir Stamford Raffles. He opened our doors to the Gospel;
the missionaries who pioneered churches, schools, hospitals, and community services;
Dutch economist Albert Winsemius, who helped our founding generation of leaders propel our economy into the big league;
the Israelis, who helped build Singapore’s army when our security and survival were in doubt; and
Billy Graham and the evangelistic rallies in 1978 that forever changed our spiritual landscape.
2019, the Year of Proclamation
For the whole church in Singapore to proclaim the One Name that gives the world Solid Hope.
2019, Celebration of Hope (COH)
Interestingly, COH is taking place about 40 years after the Billy Graham rallies in 1978, a milestone event which took place 40 years after the John Sung revival meetings of the 1930’s. Be encouraged and expectant of what God is going to do.